WCET Membership

Did you know that Kapiʻolani CC is a member of WCET (WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies) and you are entitled to member benefits?  

WCET is a national, membership-based, non-profit organization whose mission is to accelerate the adoption of effective practices and policies, advancing excellence in technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher education.  WCET is nationally recognized as one of the most informative, reliable and forward-thinking organizations regarding the role of technology and innovation in higher education.

Given how technology touches every aspect of all areas of our colleges and administration, we invite you to check out the informative resources and valuable sharing of ideas, practices, and policies that happen through WCET’s community of 350+ colleges, universities, and organizations.  All Kapiʻolani CC faculty and staff are invited to subscribe to WCET’s member-only email lists:

  • WCETNews – One of the most valuable resources we receive via this email list are WCET’s weekly article digests.  WCET produces a compilation of national news related to higher ed and technology, in three categories – academic, technology and policy.  It is a great way to stay on top of what is happening in higher ed and technology.
  • WCETDiscuss – This is WCET’s moderated list for discussions.  There are excellent exchanges and sharing via this list over a wide range of issues – from student services to online faculty compensation to the integration of web collaboration tools and more.  WCET’s membership includes resources from institutions of all sizes and sectors.

Anyone from Kapiʻolani CC can subscribe to WCETNews and/or WCETDiscuss.  WCET’s blog, Frontiers, is also a helpful information resource on issues related to state authorization, federal policy issues impacting distance education, and innovative practices among WCET’s community.

If you are interested in joining the WCET news and discussions, please email celtt@hawaii.edu by September 15, 2017 and we will submit your name and email to WCET.  If you have any questions, contact Mollie McGill, Director, Programs and Membership, WCET, 303-541-0306, mmcIgill@wiche.edu or feel free to email celtt@hawaii.edu.