Community College Leadership Champion–Jackie Lindo

Congratulations to Jaclyn Lindo, Economics instructor, who has been selected as Kapi‘olani CC’s Community College Leadership Champion for 2017-2018. Jackie will serve in this leadership development program along with representatives from each of the other UHCC campuses. The CCLC was established in 2004 through the vision and sponsorship of Dr. Joyce Tsunoda and the many UHCC and community contributors to the Joyce S. Tsunoda Community College Leadership Development Fund in order to develop and support future leaders within the UHCC system. Participants in the program have the opportunity to meet with UH system administrators as well as leaders from the community and culminates with a capstone project developed by the team. Former CCLC participants have advanced to leadership positions or have become actively involved in important UHCC or campus initiatives. We are proud to have Jackie serve as Kapi‘olani CC’s Community College Leadership Champion!