Kapiolani Zoom accounts are moving to UH ITS this week on Thursday, July 2nd.

GET READY: Kapi‘olani Zoom Accounts Are Moving to UH ITS This Week!

On Thursday, July 2nd (the last day of Summer I term), all Kapi‘olani Zoom accounts will move over to the UH System ITS. Fortunately, the transfer process will be almost seamless for the users and specific instructions will be coming soon! In the meantime, please continue to use the same Zoom meeting link(s) you’ve shared with your students and colleagues.

While the ITS oversight of our Zoom accounts will mean savings in cost and administrative efforts, we will not be able to transfer the existing cloud recordings. If you’ve been saving your recordings in the Zoom cloud, please download and save them to your local disk or to your Google drive. When you are done, please DELETE the files from the cloud.

Recording to the cloud has now been disabled, so you will be prompted to save all recordings to your local disk upon exiting from your meeting. If you need to share your recording with others:

  1. please upload the MP4 file to your Google Drive
  2. change the SHARE setting to “Anyone with the link can view”
  3. copy and share the URL.

Please contact us at celtt@hawaii.edu if you have any questions.