REMINDER: Signup for TOPP Summer 2017 by This Friday, May 5th

Summer is a perfect time to develop or recharge your online-teaching skills!  

CELTT will be offering another six-week Teaching Online Prep Program (TOPP) this summer from May 22nd to June 30th.  Please join us and build your online course while learning and collaborating online!

During the six weeks you will learn:

  1. Regulations and best practices
  2. Planning & design
  3. Laulima
  4. Web tools
  5. Assessment & Evaluation
  6. Facilitation

Go to the Ohana site ( for more information, and sign up by Friday, May 5th.

You will be asked to identify a course that you plan to develop and to provide a course outline.

 Did you know

that each KapCC faculty will receive a laptop (Mac or Dell) when he/she​ ​participates in this program AND teaches online?   

​Yes, you heard that right!  All you have to do is

  1. successfully complete 6 weeks of TOPP training

  2. successfully facilitate ​a ​new or redesigned ​online class for at least one semester, and

  3. ​​complete a post-semester reflection.

 Please contact CELTT at if you have any questions.  Mahalo!