Student Veterans and VITAL Program

Hello Kapi‘olani Community,

Please take advantage of our VITAL Coordinator on campus “Dr. J” (Jonathan Mueller, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist) from VA Pacific Islands Health Care System. VITAL stands for Veterans Integration To Academic Leadership and is a national VA program aimed at helping student Veterans transition from the military to the academic environment and increase academic retention and success. Student Veterans face unique challenges in adjusting to being back in the classroom after military service.

VITAL services for KCC faculty and administration include education, training, or consultation regarding the student Veteran population or specific student Veteran difficulties.

VITAL services for student Veterans include: outreach, assistance registering for VA healthcare benefit, care coordination to VA resources and programs, stress management, mindfulness training, individual therapy, couples therapy, psychological assessment, and any assistance to ensure student Veterans’ academic success.

VITAL appts can be conducted through VA Video Connect telehealth technology which is secure and confidential. Please contact Dr. J. directly at (808) 940-4287 during regular VA business hours or via email at for more information or to schedule an appt. Please visit this website for more information regarding VITAL program: