Administrative Transitions at KCC

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Mona Lee will officially retire on June 1, 2014 although she is no longer on campus due to vacation plans. Her position will be advertised soon and the goal is to fill the position before fall 2014 begins. Stepping forward to lead the area during the transition is Acting Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Dawn Zoni with assistance from senior student service counselors Wes Maekawa, Kristie Malterre and Cathy Wehrman.

Linka Mullikin is serving as Interim Assistant Dean assisting the Academic Affairs office during the active search for Dean of Hospitality, Business, Legal and Technology. An advertisement for Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services is pending and will be posted soon. Brian Furuto has been serving as Interim Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services.

Lastly, an advertisement for Dean of Health Academic Programs will be posted due to International visa requirements. Patricia O’Hagan will continue to serve as Dean during the process.

There are many administrative transitions at the college at this time. Please exercise patience as new relationships and leadership styles emerge.