2021 Pamantasan Conference

Day 2 of Pamantasan Conference: Proud Faculty and Staff: Growing Up LGBTQ+/Bakla/Māhū and Filipin@/x

Join us today at 10 am and support Maiana Minahal who will be moderating a session on “Proud Faculty and Staff” at the Pamantasan Conference, which is online, free, and open to all who register.

Proud Faculty and Staff: Growing Up LGBTQ+/Bakla/Māhū and Filipin@/x

Friday, October 29, 10-10:55am HST

ModeratorMaiana Minahal, Assistant Professor of English, Kapiolani Community College

Panelists: A. Kaleikūkamakani Ruiz (Counselor in Student Services at LCC), Cliff Bersamira (Assistant Professor of Social Work at the Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health at UHM), Lorenzo Perillo (Assistant Professor of Theatre and Dance at UHM)

In this talkstory session incorporating poetry and research, a panel of faculty and staff from multiple campuses across the UH system will share the diversity of their experiences growing up LGBTQ+ and Filipin@/x into adulthood. Spanning immigrant, local, Ilocano, mixed race, bakla, māhū, gay, and queer femme perspectives, panelists will share parts of their journeys in overcoming societal norms, religious repression, family pressures, abuse, domestic violence, community expectations, and systemic oppressions such as patriarchy, homophobia, and misogyny. They will speak on how they turned to support networks of chosen family, academic groups, and mental health resources, to eventually find greater healing, self-acceptance, and stability. They now thrive in their family and professional roles as nurturers, teachers, community leaders, writers, activists, artists, and researchers. This presentation is for students, parents, staff, faculty, and anyone who wants to learn more about LGBTQ+/bakla/māhū experiences from the adult Filipin@/x perspective.

[Posted on behalf of Mary Ann Esteban]