Aloha Kapi’olani CC Students, Faculty, Staff & Colleagues!

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and a time our campus normally comes together to promote healthy relationships through participation in a local, statewide [respect] campaign. 

The PAU (Prevention, Awareness, Understanding) Violence Coalition invites you to show solidarity for healthy, respectful relationships TODAY (4/29) by wearing a [respect] shirt or hat (that you’ve received from participating in a previous [respect] campaign) or wearing the color TEAL (the official SAAM color).

Even though we are physically distancing during this time, we can still show support for respect in our digital communities and spaces. Respect is particularly important, as pandemics and other global crises heighten the risk of sexual and other gender-based violence to occur.

Though we are faced with great mounting challenges and stress as we move through this time, let us reflect on the positive actions we can take to promote respect in our homes, relationships, communities, and ourselves.

Take good care and be well.

Aloha nui,

Your Kapi’olani CC PAU Violence Coalition