Tag Archives: DE Plan

We welcome your feedback on the 2022-27 DE Plan draft

Over 85 of your amazing colleagues have contributed to the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft, and now we welcome your thoughts and comments. Please take a look and add your comments directly to the Google Doc and the Google Spreadsheet.

The document is quite long, so if your time is limited, take a look at the summary and priorities. If one of your areas of expertise aligns with one or more of the sections of the body, we would deeply appreciate your input on that section or those sections in particular.

Please post your comments by Friday 5/6 so that we get started revising. It will be so helpful for the next DE Coordinator to have this plan in place.

Thank you for taking the time to help us shape the best DE Plan & the best DE Program possible for our campus!

We invite your feedback on the 2022-27 DE Plan draft

Over 85 of your amazing colleagues have contributed to the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft, and now we welcome your thoughts and comments. Please take a look and add your comments directly to the Google Doc and the Google Spreadsheet.

The document is quite long, so if your time is limited, take a look at the summary and priorities. If one of your areas of expertise aligns with one or more of the sections of the body, we would deeply appreciate your input on that section or those sections in particular.

Please post your comments by Friday 5/6 so that we get started revising. It will be so helpful for the next DE Coordinator to have this plan in place.

Thank you for taking the time to help us shape the best DE Plan & the best DE Program possible for our campus!

Your Feedback Welcome on the 2022-27 DE Plan

Over 85 of your amazing colleagues have contributed to the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft, and now we welcome your thoughts and comments. Please take a look and add your comments directly to the Google Doc and the Google Spreadsheet.

The document is quite long, so if your time is limited, take a look at the summary and priorities. If one of your areas of expertise aligns with one or more of the sections of the body, we would deeply appreciate your input on that section or those sections in particular.

Please post your comments by Friday 5/6 so that we get started revising. It will be so helpful for the next DE Coordinator to have this plan in place.

Thank you for taking the time to help us shape the best DE Plan & the best DE Program possible for our campus!

Your input needed on the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft

Over 85 of your amazing colleagues have contributed to the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft, and now we welcome your thoughts and comments. Please take a look and add your comments directly to the Google Doc and the Google Spreadsheet.

The document is quite long, so if your time is limited, take a look at the summary and priorities. If one of your areas of expertise aligns with one or more of the sections of the body, we would deeply appreciate your input on that section or those sections in particular.

Please post your comments by Friday 5/6 so that we get started revising. It will be so helpful for the next DE Coordinator to have this plan in place.

Thank you for taking the time to help us shape the best DE Plan & the best DE Program possible for our campus!

We’d love your feedback on the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft!

Over 85 of your amazing colleagues have contributed to the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft, and now we welcome your thoughts and comments. Please take a look and add your comments directly to the Google Doc and the Google Spreadsheet.

The document is quite long, so if your time is limited, take a look at the summary and priorities. If one of your areas of expertise aligns with one or more of the sections of the body, we would deeply appreciate your input on that section or those sections in particular.

Please post your comments by Friday 5/6 so that we get started revising. It will be so helpful for the next DE Coordinator to have this plan in place.

Thank you for taking the time to help us shape the best DE Plan & the best DE Program possible for our campus!

The 2022-2027 DE Plan is ready for your feedback

Over 85 of your amazing colleagues have contributed to the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft, and now we welcome your thoughts and comments. Please take a look and add your comments directly to the Google Doc and the Google Spreadsheet.

The document is quite long, so if your time is limited, take a look at the summary and priorities. If one of your areas of expertise aligns with one or more of the sections of the body, we would deeply appreciate your input on that section or those sections in particular.

Please post your comments by Friday 5/6 so that we get started revising. It will be so helpful for the next DE Coordinator to have this plan in place.

Thank you for taking the time to help us shape the best DE Plan & the best DE Program possible for our campus!

Your feedback welcome on the 2022-2027 DE Plan

Over 85 of your amazing colleagues have contributed to the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft, and now we welcome your thoughts and comments. Please take a look and add your comments directly to the Google Doc and the Google Spreadsheet.

The document is quite long, so if your time is limited, take a look at the summary and priorities. If one of your areas of expertise aligns with one or more of the sections of the body, we would deeply appreciate your input on that section or those sections in particular.

Please post your comments by Friday 5/6 so that we get started revising. It will be so helpful for the next DE Coordinator to have this plan in place.

Thank you for taking the time to help us shape the best DE Plan & the best DE Program possible for our campus!

We welcome your comments on the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft

Over 85 of your amazing colleagues have contributed to the 2022-2027 DE Plan draft, and now we welcome your thoughts and comments. Please take a look and add your comments directly to the Google Doc.

The document is quite long, so if your time is limited, take a look at the summary and priorities. If one of your areas of expertise aligns with one of the sections of the body, we would deeply appreciate your input on that section in particular.

Thank you for taking the time to help us shape the best DE Plan possible for our campus!

You’re Invited to Contribute to the Next Distance Education Plan!

It’s time to write a new DE Plan!

We do DE pretty well at Kapi‘olani CC, and that’s probably due, at least in part, to the guidance and focus of our current DE Plan. But DE is now more important than ever to our campus, and it’s therefore more important than ever to share your thoughts and experiences as we envision how DE might look at Kapi‘olani over the next 5 years. The more staff, faculty, and students that contribute, the better!

But during these stressful COVID times, many of us feel like we’re already working at capacity, and some of us are on the verge of burnout. With that in mind, we’re working hard to structure opportunities to contribute meaningfully, to honor everyone’s voice and vision, without over-taxing anyone’s time and energy.

Might you be interested in contributing? Please contact the DE Coordinator (Leigh Dooley) at ldooley@hawaii.edu. I’m happy to answer your questions as you decide. Or, come to one of these virtual synchronous DE Plan Info. Sessions (just one will do–the same session will be offered multiple times to accommodate folks’ schedules):

Potential Contributor DE Plan Information Session

  • Friday 4/30/21 at 11:00 – 11:30 am

Zoom link: https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/93101037651

Meeting ID: 931 0103 7651
Passcode: IheartDE

For more information, contact Leigh Dooley at ldooley@hawaii.edu.

You’re Invited to Contribute to the Next Distance Education Plan!

It’s time to write a new DE Plan!

We do DE pretty well at Kapi‘olani CC, and that’s probably due, at least in part, to the guidance and focus of our current DE Plan. But DE is now more important than ever to our campus, and it’s therefore more important than ever to share your thoughts and experiences as we envision how DE might look at Kapi‘olani over the next 5 years. The more staff, faculty, and students that contribute, the better!

But during these stressful COVID times, many of us feel like we’re already working at capacity, and some of us are on the verge of burnout. With that in mind, we’re working hard to structure opportunities to contribute meaningfully, to honor everyone’s voice and vision, without over-taxing anyone’s time and energy.

Might you be interested in contributing? Please contact the DE Coordinator (Leigh Dooley) at ldooley@hawaii.edu. I’m happy to answer your questions as you decide. Or, come to one of these virtual synchronous DE Plan Info. Sessions (just one will do–the same session will be offered multiple times to accommodate folks’ schedules):

Potential Contributor DE Plan Information Session

  • Friday 4/30/21 at 11:00 – 11:30 am

Zoom link: https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/93101037651

Meeting ID: 931 0103 7651
Passcode: IheartDE

For more information, contact Leigh Dooley at ldooley@hawaii.edu.