What is the PAU Violence Coalition?

PAU” stands for Prevention, Awareness, and Understanding.

The KCC PAU Violence Coalition (formerly known as the Violence Prevention Task Force) was established in 2007 and has been active at Kapi’olani Community College for the past 10 years.

We are an 18-member coalition comprised of students, student support services staff, faculty, counselors, administrators, and community members who work together to carry out our mission:

                  to educate and empower the campus community to create a culture of                       respect and end all forms of sexual and gender-based violence.

To fulfill our mission, we

  • Disseminate information and organize educational events* on campus                               (*our next event is Respect Week April 10-13 – more information coming soon!)
  • Offer professional development opportunities for all campus constituents
  • Work one-on-one with faculty to develop violence-prevention curricula
  • Promote student leadership
  • Collaborate with the KCC Title IX team as well as UH system and community partners

Are you wondering how the PAU Violence Coalition can help you? Email us at pauv@hawaii.edu

Do you want to get more involved? Join the coalition as an associate member (no meetings!) to receive updates on events and workshops as well as information to help make KCC a safe campus for all of our students.
