Women’s Group for International Students! Connect w/Other Female Learners From Around The World!

International Women’s Group

Kapiolani Community College (KapCC), the University of Hawaii – West Oahu (UHWO), Leeward Community College (LeeCC), and Hawaii Tokai International College (HTIC) are partnering to support women who are international students or who speak English as a second language.

If you are a female who is an international student or who speaks English as a second language, please join us on Wednesdays at 3:00 PM (HST) online for our International Women’s Group. In these groups, women from around the world will have an opportunity to connect with other female learners, share common successes and challenges, and form life-long friendships.

If you or someone you know might be interested in attending our International Women’s Group, please email:

Cindy Melim
of the
Ka’au Program for Student Mental Health & Wellness
at cindymk@hawaii.edu

Participants will be screened for appropriateness. We ask that all participants keep group discussions confidential.